
Wednesday 21 May 2014

Unwitting mother leaves one-year-old in back of London cab.

A taxi driver was stunned to discover that a mother had left behind her baby in the back of his cab.
Driver Ertan Rasit, 44, said that he only realised the child had been left behind on the back seat when his next customer got in his car and discovered the one-year-old girl.
He had picked up the mother - who was laden with shopping and carrying the child in a sling - from Covent Garden, London, on Monday.
He said he then drove to Shoreditch, east London, and dropped her off. 
Mr Rasit said it was a full 15 minutes until he was flagged down again. He said: 'When he opened the door he said, "You know youv'e a baby in the back?".

Thankfully, Mr Rasit said the little girl was 'happy as Larry', the Sun reports.
The cab driver said he immediately drove back to Shoreditch where the hysterical woman was surrounded by police and around 30 onlookers.
He said: 'I got out with her baby and the crowd started cheering and clapping. 
'It was like a movie scene.'
He added: 'People leave laptops, but never anything like this!'

He told ITV's Loose Women - set to be aired tomorrow - that he had been driving through Bishopsgate up towards Threadneedle junction  when his next fare flagged him down

He said: 'The doors are electric, and the bloke gets in and says "there's a little kid on the back of the seat".
'I was shocked, absolutely shocked. Normally kids would be crying for their mother, but she was just enjoying the ride. 
'She was stood on the back of the seat with her hands up, looking out the back of the window, enjoying the view.
'When I got back to Curtain Road there was police everywhere, there was an audience, she was screaming 'my child, my child'. 
'When I came out, I was holding her, she was smiling  - happy as Larry.
'Then all of a sudden there was a big round of applause, I was like a hero cab driver. It was a good feeling.'
A woman who was first on the scene said she saw the mother, who appeared to have a sore knee, unloading her shopping out of the taxi in Curtain Road. 

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